Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages free essay sample

Is the information on the page outdated? Accuracy Make sure author provides e-mail or a contact address/phone number. Know the distinction between author and Webmaster. How to interpret the basics 5. Coverage of the Web Documents Are the links (if any) evaluated and do they complement the documents themes? Is it all images or a balance of text and images? Is the information presented cited correctly? Putting it all together Coverage If page requires special software to view the information, how much are you missing if you dont have the software? Is it free or is there a fee to obtain the information? Is there an option for text only, or frames, or a suggested browser for better viewing? Accuracy. If your page lists the author and institution that published the page and provides a way of contacting him/her and . . . Authority. If your page lists the author credentials and its domain is preferred (. We will write a custom essay sample on Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page edu, . gov, . org, or . net), and, . . Objectivity. If your page provides accurate information with limited advertising and it is objective in presenting the information, and . . . Currency. If your page is current and updated regularly (as stated on the page) and the links (if any) are also up-to-date, and . . Coverage. If you can view the information properlynot limited to fees, browser technology, or software requirement, then . . . You may have a Web page that could be of value to your research! FROM: Kapoun, Jim. Teaching undergrads WEB evaluation: A guide for library instruction. CRL News (July/August 1998): 522-523. Reprinted with permission of the author. Converted to HTML by Paul McMillin, September 18, 1998 Minor textual corrections: 10 May 2010 [MOE] Section: services_research_guides Source URL: http://olinuris. library. cornell. edu/ref/research/webcrit. html

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